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     Hello, there!

     It's the 4th Grading Period and it is the time where the curtains close for an old school year. For the past two years learning Basic and Advanced Chemistry, we have learned so much and discovered an ocean filled with nomenclature, organic and inorganic compounds. It is very satisfying to say that we have been taught really well by our teacher, Dr. Sta. Ines. He is truly an epitome of hardwork and he possesses a great mind specially in the field of Chemistry. Thank you! Advanced Chemistry and Thank you! Sir Jeff! Sir Jeff, we will never forget you and one day, we will surely thank you for the help you have extended to us these past two years. You will be embedded in our hearts and minds!

     The 4th Grading focused on Organic CHemistry, it's types and the different functional groups. We learned a lot despite the short time frame. Feel free to read the articles and we hope that we could share some knowledge with you!


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